Veterinary Behavior Consultations, PC

1446 Brevard Rd. Suite 103
Asheville, NC 28806



Comprehensive Behavior Consultation


A comprehensive behavior consultation lasts 1 1/2 - 2 hours and provides you with a diagnosis, prognosis and an initial treatment plan.

During your appointment, Dr. Lindell will spend some time discussing your pre-submitted behavioral history form, medical records, and videorecordings.

Dr. Lindell will design a customized treatment plan that will consider your pet's needs as well as your life style. You will also receive a written plan.


Your treatment plan may include any or all of the following:

1. Management recommendations

2. Behavior modification exercises

3. Medication if appropriate (and if you are comfortable giving your pet medication)


If your treatment plan includes behavior modification exercises, we will demonstrate techniques and you will have an opportunity to practice during the appointment.